Iwai, Kitamura and Oonishi made presentations in 82nd Spring Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan.(2015.03.15-17 @okohama National University, Yokohama, Japan)
Hearing for graduation theses of undergraduate students was held. (2015.03.04)
Hearing for master's theses was held. (2015.02.16-17)
Iwai, Sawada and Takemoto made presentations in The 55th Battery Symposium in Japan. (2014.11.19-21 @Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan)
Dr. Yabutsuka, Kumazawa and Mizutani made presentations in The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Biomaterials. (2014.11.17-18 @Tower Hall Funabori, Tokyo, Japan)
Dr. Yabutsuka and Karashima made presentations in 26th Symposium and Annual Meeting of the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine (Bioceramics 26). (2014.11.06-08 @Catalonia Barcelona Plaza Hotel, Barcelona, Spain)
Iwai, Kitamura and Sawada made presentations in 2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting. (2014.10.05-09 @Moon Palace Resort, Cancun, Mexico)
Dr. Takai and Kitamura made presentations in 2014 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan. (2014.09.27-28 @Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
Middle term hearing for master's theses was held. (2014.09.08)
Dr. Yabutsuka made a presentation in The IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2014). (2014.08.24-30 @Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan)
Iwai, Kitamura and Sawada made presentations in The 16th Meeting on Materials for Chemical Batteries in Japan. (2014.06.17-18 @The Chemical Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan)
Iwai and Kitamura made presentations in 225th ECS Meeting. (2014.05.11-15 @Hilton Bonnet Creek, Orland, FL)
Akihiro Tamura, Keito Fukushima, Souki Kaji and Keisuke Yamada joined to our laboratory as new members.